The house and studio is one house south of the old white Nelson Farm House. Please park your car in front (west side) of the house near the sidewalk. See large photo of the house and a map. Please do not park in the driveway has it blocks access to and from the garage.
Directions From The North:
- Go to corner of Lemay Ave. & Drake Road
- South on Lemay Ave.
- Past Swallow Road on your right
- Past Springwood Drive on your left
- After about half a block, take your first left into a private drive and bear right. This is hard to see at night. There is a speed sign right where you make the left into the private drive.
- The house is one house south of the large white farm house. Look for a house with a big wrought iron front door.
Directions From The South:
- Start at Horsetooth Road and College Ave.
- East Horsetooth Road
- After .2 miles, turn Right onto South Lemay Ave. (again)
- Past Boltz Drive on your left
- There is a concrete block wall on your right. When you pass the end of the wall and see landscaping, turn right into a private drive and bear left. This is hard to see at night.
- The house is one house south of the large white farm house. Look for a house with a big wrought iron front door.
Directions From Denver via I25:
- North on I25
- X265 West on Harmony Road
- After 3.5 miles, turn Right onto South Lemay Ave.
- Left Horsetooth Road
- After .2 miles, turn Right onto South Lemay Ave. (again)
- Past Boltz Drive on your left
- There is a concrete block wall on your right. When you pass the end of the wall and see landscaping, turn right into a private drive and bear left. This is hard to see at night.
- The house is one house south of the large white farm house. Look for a house with a big wrought iron front door.