If the web site has been changing recently and you've been to the page before, then the problem is probably that your web browser has cached the old web page and is displaying the old page from the cache on your computer rather than the new page from the internet. This is typical if we're uploading new audio or other information to our web site over a few days and you've been checking the progress each day. Try refreshing your WEB browser using one of the techniques below. If you still have problems after trying these steps, please feel free to send an email to studio@anthonywalkermusic.com and we'll try to help.
Here's the idea: In order to improve the perceived performance of a users WEB Browser (e.g. Internet Explorer), WEB Browsers are typically designed with cache memory. That is, when you go to a page the first time, you have to wait while the browser slowly gathers the information (photos and text etc) over the internet from the web server (This might be really slow is you're using a dial up internet connection). Right after that, your WEB Browser saves the information temporarily on your hard drive in what's called the cache. The next time you go to the web site, the browser displays the information from your hard drive instead of gathering the information again over the internet and making you wait. This engineering trick works well unless the site is changing a lot. In that situation you may see old information from your hard drive. Try the following steps on your web browser to work-around the problem:
You must refresh each page your web browser to see the latest information.
Internet Explorer: Click View | Refresh.
Firefox (Mozilla): View | Reload.
Safari: Click Empty Cache from the Safari menu.
There's also a symbol on the toolbar that does the same thing. It's more convenient to click the toolbar symbol. Find out more...