Linda Akey's teenage step daughter (Coby Hughey 's daughter), Emily Clark, was in a severe accident and has 3rd degree burns over 35% of her body. Coby has been back in Minnesota with Emily for several weeks following the accident where significant expenses have accumulated that will not be covered by insurance. Linda organized a Fund Raiser event at Everyday Joe's on Sunday, December 18 to raise money to cover part of these expenses. The event was a great success and raised over $600.
The event included entertainment by:
Linda Akey, Stephen Johnson duo
Francesco Bonifazi solo act
Anthony Walker, David Pinsky, Bob Montgomery, Francesco Bonifazi
Anthony's band was accompanied by cello, viola and violin played by Amber Johnson, Madison Johnson and Josh ?? on "Eleanor Rigby" and "She's Leaving Home".
Uncensored photos of the event are presented below. No filtering of the photos have been done and so some are good but some are out of focus. Many of these photos have red eye that has not been fixed with Adobe photo shop yet. If you have additional photos, please send them to and they'll be added to the web site.
Click on any of the thumbnail photos below to bring up a high resolution photo. Right clicking any of the photos will allow the photo to be saved on your system for inclusion in your promo etc. if desired. Enjoy!